Sunday, September 01, 2024

MAGA: The Sorrow And The Pity (Mostly the Pitiful)

A little (Twitter) context: Quite literally: no. The families can't do that. And the most important point:  Trump was not POTUS when he stood over the graves and grinned like a loon.

In the Obama picture:

 a) he was C in C at the time. 

b) photos were taken by DOD personnel, the only ones allowed to take photos.

 c) no names on headstones appear in that photo. 

d) Obama is not posed grinning like a loon with a "thumbs up" gesture over an identifiable headstone. 

The other photo was taken by DOD personnel, as part of an inaugural celebration, and is not set among the graves, but obviously in a place meant for people to gather.  Again, authorized and official photos, none involving pushing ANC personnel out of the way. 

Honestly, a child can see the difference.

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