Tuesday, September 10, 2024

More AI and More Debate Prep

A white guy running with a white duck and a yellow tabby from a sceaming crowd of black people? Why no, what do you mean? For those who need context, the gentlelady from South Carolina is hungry: And jealous Gym Jordan got all the attention. (and why is it every AI on this subject is a white duck and a yellow tabby? What, no black cats need apply? Uhhh....never mind.) SO SAY WE ALL! The current narrative from the Trump campaign is that he's the most prepared candidate for debate in the history of the world. Because the truth and working the refs by downplaying Trump's prowess was too much for his ego. He can't go 90 minutes with a teleprompter and a friendly crowd just listening. And he couldn't make sense if you put a gun to his head. I do love the game before the game! My kind of drinking game! I wonder if this will come up as a topic tonight? I may just have to watch this.

Good night, Mr. and Mrs. America, and all the ships at sea! Look for me no more until the morrow! Maybe!

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