Monday, September 09, 2024

Nope (Rhymes with "D---")

None of this is going to happen. Nor are a plague of locusts disguised as "poll watchers" going to descend on polling places. And see what? Elderly people helping people check in and get a ballot and go to a voting machine? What, are they going to challenge someone who isn't white? Or speaks with an accent? Maybe until the cops haul 'em away.

Texas, the only example I know, is insane about voter suppression.  Roberts gutting the VRA gave us license to cut loose.  But if ANYBODY shows up at a polling place (and which one?  There will be hundreds in Harris County alone, all open two (or is it three) weeks before Election Day.) and starts harassing voters, a police officer will escort them off the premises, no questions asked.  People get to vote by provisional ballots if there's a serious question.  No one gets to be blocked from voting by some clown MAGAt.

I say this because Trump is urging his supporters to become "poll watchers."  But that's all eye wash.  He doesn't care if they show up, or not.  The Trump campaign brags it has 350 offices set up in "battle ground states."  But Harris/Walz have 375 offices in Pennsylvania, alone.  Trump isn't organized enough for GOTV, much less GOTProtesters.  And where do they protest (as I keep asking)?  DC on January 6th?  How does he get permission for that, he's not gonna be POTUS again.  Somewhere in Florida, reprising the Brooks Brothers Riot of 2000?  Maybe if the result is that close, but I doubt he could get organized enough to pull off something in his own back yard.  Will he get them to show up at MAL or Bedminster?  Fat chance.

No, Trump is telling people to be his poll watchers so he can claim reports of polling irregularities in the days after Election Day (and on Election Day).  Just like he claims Venezuelan gangs are taking over Colorado, or today's nonsense that Haitian immigrants are coming for your kittie cats.  It's baseless bullshit, but he screams it and his MAGAts (and helpful Russian bots and useful idiots) repeat it.  And frankly, it's as good as real; especially when anti-Trumpers on Twitter tell us to be afraid, be very afraid!  Trump is going to screw the election with these phantom poll watchers!!!!!!!

Yeah, right.

Maybe some MAGAts in Georgia will delay vote certifiction a few days, but the courts will straighten them out ASAP.  Poll watchers?  Phantoms.  They don't exist.  Trump will conjure them the way he conjures "illegal immigrants muling fentanyl" (what, in their pockets?  I think the drug cartels have better ways of importing quantities than giving a small amount to some random guy aimed toward the border and telling him to ask for "Jose" when he gets across the river), or schools performing sex change operations in school operating theaters.  Most of this sensible people ignore as claptrap; but phantom poll watchers are a Big Scary Thing that Trump will do to Disrupt The Vote and Throw The Election To The 12th Amendment!!

Not gonna happen.  "Re-litigate 2020"?  Yeah, Trump wants to do that.  It's another reason to vote against him.  It's not a reason to despair, or run in circles and scream and shout.  Besides, there are always reasons to be optimistic:

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