Thursday, September 05, 2024

"Put Money In Your Purse!"--Iago, to Roderigo

Importantly, Judge Chutkan noted that the upcoming election will not impact the scheduling order, and shot back against Trump's attorney who tried to claim that they are "dealing with the U.S. Presidency." In response, Chutkan noted: I am not talking about the presidency. I am talking about a four-count indictment.”

As it relates to a trial date, however, viewers will have to wait a while longer as all sides agreed that setting a trial date would be an exercise in futility given the likelihood of additional interlocutory appeals. As it currently stands, it is unlikely that this case will go to trial until sometime mid to late 2025 or even 2026. 

I know I sound like a Pollyanna on this point, but if the Supremes meant to grant Trump outright immunity in this case, they would have done it.  I still think Roberts cobbled together a Rube Goldberg mechanism based on invented rules of evidence so he could get 5 1/2 votes.  I think he'd lost three of those if he decided on the next appeal Trump was a monarch after all.  Especially after Trump confessed to the nation that he had a "right" to interfere in the election (the equivalent "right" I have to go to the bank and demand all their money because I think they shouldn't have charged me an overdraft fee). 

So far, they aren't on solid legal ground.

The flip side of that is reality.  If the case goes to trial late in 2025, or even in 2026, where does Trump get his money?  The NY fraud case will be settled by then (Trump can't afford to appeal it endlessly, nor can he avoid execution, except through bankruptcy.  And as Rudy proved, you have to mean that, or you don't get the protection.).  The Carroll cases will probably be demanding their pound of flesh, too.  Georgia will be working it's way along, as well as any appeal Trump has from his criminal case (the odds of getting that one into federal court are zip and none.  There is no federal issue.  The Constitutional one, if it exists, can be resolved by the state courts and, when they're done, the Supremes.  That'll be 2026 at the earliest, too.)

Where does Trump get the money for all of this?  Already he's trying to stay the sentencing hearing (we'll hear today if  Merchan is going to postpone that) by appealing to the federal district court to stay it's rejection of the motion for leave to file the removal petition.  $$$$, and he still has lawyers writing briefs for Chutkan, and eventually an appeal of Chutkan's ruling on immunity/dismissal.   $$$$, and he's not bringing it in anymore. One more reason why he's doing Hannity and the New York Economic Club and counting it as "campaigning."

He's gonna run out of money and lawyers by 2026.  At the latest.  Bank on it.

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