Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Slow Horses, or, Failure To Launch

But the Trump campaign thought they had the antidote: Trump was going to manipulate the moderators (hey, it'd worked before!). But, of course, ABC put a thumb on the scale: Which is to say, the moderators acted like rational people in a room with a lunatic, and told him, no, "abortion" does not include executing babies once they are born, and they weren't going to let the debate devolve into a shouting match about nonsense. (Who was that supposed to serve?  Three guesses, first two don't count...) Although, honestly, how dare they intrude on the sacred work of politicians lying to the voters about things that are as untrue as the lizard people are controlling our brains with Z-rays? (That is true, of course, as every right thinking Earthling knows, and only the people under the control of the Lizard Kings think otherwise!)

In short, Trump failed to execute his exfil and bug out while the room was filled with squid ink and everyone wondered how he'd managed to escape again.  He failed to execute because Kamala refused to play the game, and instead played Trump.  Who is so easily and plainly played he really should be exiled to the outer darkness where there is naught but wailing and gnashing of teeth, and given a rubber ball to entertain himself because presumably he can't hurt himself with that (we're not animals!). 

Trump doesn't "go rogue."  Just like he doesn't deviate that much from what's on his teleprompter at the rally.  Listen to Stephen Miller again.  Everyone around Trump speaks this language, or they aren't around Trump. What we still call "rogue" is what Trump is. Yes, the journalists who cover him should see this, but they don't because "objectivity" or perhaps worse, this is the way people in Trump's sphere operate, he just does it worse because he only apes their behaviors, he doesn't really understand those behaviors or his motivations himself.  Like the badly fitting suit and the red "power tie" (already an anachronism as out of date as bell-bottomed blue jeans), Trump behaves the way people in his circle behave. And journalists can't see that for the destructive, and often self-destructive, behavior it is.  Or they won't say, because that would "put a thumb on the scale."  But the thumb is already there; they just refuse to identify it.

I think it's a New York thing, except Leon isn't from New York:
The problem with high-speed rail is that we tore up all the train tracks (Houston had an old rail line running parallel to I-10 when I moved here.  They finally tore it up to expand the freeway, only later to think they might need some kind of rail to provide mass transit that didn't involve cars clogging freeways.  The light rail they built downtown goes nowhere execpt back and forth downtown, in a very limited area, in no small part because ROW is expensive (so it runs on city streets, and crashes into cars).  The rail in Chicago runs on "regular" train tracks, but Houston destroyed those and paved over the ROW.  Regulation?  Or short-sightedness?).  New high-speed rail will need new ROW.  Texas has talked about high speed rail from Houston to Dallas for decades; but it never gets anywhere because there's too much private property (and development) between here and Dallas, in any kind of straight line.  Regulation isn't blocking it: private interests are.  Even with eminent domain, it will cost a small fortune just to get the ROW; and then you start laying track.  Let's just say colonies on Mars are more likely, and that's so sciencey fictional (yes, that's not a typo) it's more rational to believe in God (nor is that a typo).

I do love it that Leon is now blaming Kamala for his failure to launch to Mars, where he promised us he was going to move.  Leon is every bit the two-bit hustler Trump is.  So it's definitely something about men with too much money.

Mark Cuban is the exception that proves the rule.

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