Friday, September 06, 2024

"Soft Targets"

my friend perished in this shooting and im sorry but it will take me more than 2 school days to have my head in the right mental space. 


"I don’t think that two days is enough, us students are TRAUMATIZED. what makes you think that we as students, are going to be rainbows and glitter when we go back on monday. None of us feel safe to even step FOOT into that school, nor do I feel okay to step in my math class, knowing what happened to my teacher. Nothing is going to be the same after this."


"I, a freshman, had to hear gunshots from no farther than 30 yards from my class. when we were escorted out, there was a body right next to me, not all saw it but we all heard what happened, 2 days and a weekend is no where near long enough for most of us to heal enough to go back in those same halls where i saw a dead body."

JD Vance wants these kids to know what seeing dead bodies in the halls of school and knowing your teacher was shot to death, are just the facts of life.

Get over it. You're in a soft target, after all. 

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