Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Apart From A Handful Of Texans...

...in the GOP, who gives a shit? It’s not like Gov. Absent took a bold stand on the UT “Eyes Of Texas” controversy. He’s not even threatening to boycott football. See, e.g., chasing the car v. catching the car.

Abbott doesn’t want to get anywhere near the car.

Or maybe this is why he doesn’t want to be there:
One; or the other. Or both. Our lines are open. Operators are standing by. This is a free call.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who would bring a 5-year-old to a major league baseball game deserves the inevitable results in frequent bathroom breaks, wetting pants, exhausted tantrums, leaving early, etc. I wouldn't bring a kid that age to something that lasted an hour, never mind several. And that's not to mention the ridiculous expense. And that's not to mention the irresponsibility of exposing them to an ongoing pandemic. Republicans are inhuman monsters.
