Friday, April 16, 2021

Only Connect

Into that leadership vacuum rushes a new Congressional caucus: Yup. "Traditional Anglo-Saxon architecture is what this country cries out for. I think what they mean is actually traditional Greco-Roman architecture. Which means Eye-talians and Greeks back when they all diddled boys. (I know, crude reductionism; but this caucus deserves it.) 'Anglo-Saxon political traditions' also include an unbroken line of monarchy.  Is that one this caucus wants us to cling to?

This is going to be fun.

*(I have to add “nativist” is the polite euphemism for “white supremacist racist xenophobia.”  Why we have to hide from that is a curiosity).


  1. Perhaps this can be their motto:

    "þæt wæs god cyning!"

    (That was a good king!.....yeah, You Know Who)

  2. I do love the architecture.

  3. I would bet not a single one of them knows that the Norther Ireland peace accord is going up in flames (literally) due to the total screw up that the "Anglo-Saxons" have made of things, Brexit having been peddled to the idiot segment of the Brit population through similar slogans and lies. Not that that would bother them much.
