Tuesday, March 01, 2022

How It’s Going 🇺🇦

"Well, Erin, those are all challenges we've seen with the Russian military, so far, in Ukraine," said Jones. "There are two others that are interesting. One is they have sent no forces to Ukraine's western border. There — there are weapons pouring in. There are people coming in to fight with Ukraine. There are other military and nonmilitary equipment. So, there's nothing stopping material from coming across the border that will shoot at Russian tanks and aircraft." 

“The second issue is that the — the footprint, the force-to-population ratio is about three to four Russian soldiers per thousand inhabitants," continued Jones. "That is astronomically low number if they want to hold any territory once they conquer it. It will put Russian forces in grave danger of being picked apart by Ukrainian insurgents once they do control some ground."
Somehow it hadn’t occurred to me that the open border was letting weapons in, even as it lets refugees out.

Who’s in charge of this chicken outfit? Seriously. This is farcical; if you ignore the tragedy of death and destruction. It’s like they didn’t plan any of this; which is probably more disturbing than all the scenarios where Putin is isolated or crazy or mad as a hatter.

It also seems to mean Russia doesn’t even have a military force; just nuclear weapons. Which, frankly, is scarier. Especially when Russia figures that out.
Which could mean that now famous long convoy is in trouble. It could also mean the supply lines from Kyiv to Russia are even more vulnerable.

It certainly calls into question why the border with Poland wasn’t closed.

1 comment:

  1. If Putin doesn't use a nuclear weapon or more we're going to be balanced on a razor blade for a while. I really wish I hadn't seen him at that long table that suggests he's gone round the bend. One of his stooges talking about what good is it for the world to survive if Russia isn't part of it (by which he means his Russian Reich) doesn't make me any less scared. I can't help but hope someone kills him before this goes on much longer.
