Thursday, September 29, 2022

"Not With A Bang, But A Whimper"

How many people know who Christoper Rufo is? Show of hands (get 'em up! No googling!)

Yeah, not exactly MTG/Boebert/Gaetz/Gym Jordan material here.  Not even a FauxNoise talking head/frequent guest.  So:  Mr. Influential, right?

I point this out not to critique Popehat, but to indicate this "fight" is over.  Going after public libraries?  How many people go there, actually?  And the ones that do, how many consider the books on the shelves to be personally vetted and given an imprimatur by the librarian on behalf of the city (or county, or local government at any level)?  We're not exacly talking about publications by Catholic religious and ordained requiring the nihil obstat if not the imprimatur to be published and distributed to the public.  Free speech for me, but not for thee?

This is where stupid ideas go to die:  at the absolute nadir of their influence and importance, when the excuse is so threadbare you can see through it in poor light.

I despise book banning because you never ban books, you just make it hard for some people to get them (which is bad enough), but you do so in the name of your self-interest and your selfishness.  That's not really as popular a stance as a few people think it is.

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