Wednesday, July 17, 2024

It’s Going To Take A Palace Coup At This Point

There was some loose and unserious talk about invoking section 4 of the 25th Amendment to replace Biden on the ticket:
Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
Pretty clear the idiots saying that had never read it.  It wouldn’t get Biden out of office, and it would create a political nightmare. Imagine the House voting to declare Biden unable to discharge his duties. And then put the question to the Senate.  Yeah, that’s not political malpractice.

Rather like pressuring Biden to resign; which more and more resembles dogs chasing a car. What do they do when they catch it?

A) Thunderdome in Chicago?

B) Declare Kamala Harris the candidate by fiat?

C) Declare the nominee to be a candidate to be named later?
Does no one realize forcing Biden to recant his determination to maintain the status quo would immediately make him Nikki Haley? And disgust the voters so much they just stay home in November? And how do the down-ballot Democrats fare then?

The idiots haven’t thought any of this through. Biden staying in the race is the only way to save their bacon. If they don’t understand that, I can only wonder how they got into office in the first place.

(And yes, I know there are rumors Obama and Pelosi and Schumer are all quietly behind this. A) it’s just gossip; B) if it’s true, see paragraph above. I have yet to read an explanation of the mechanics of this changeover. It seems to be much more important to talk about it, than to explain how it could be done.)

But some people seemed determined to self-destruct: "Remain private"? That’s cute. Even Ali Vitali gets it: What is the endgame here? “Run in circles, scream and shout,” is not really a plan. And if, at the end of a week, they haven’t convinced Biden to quit? What then? Because I really don’t think he’s going anywhere.

1 comment:

  1. This really has reached a point of maximum idiocy. No one has explained how a different candidate gets access to Biden's $230M war chest. How you guarantee ballot access to all 50 states. How you staff a campaign, create ground operations in all the swing states. How you get access to advertising, Biden reserved early and got great rates, a new candidate will pay maximum dollars. How do you start fundraising, how do you convince people to donate and vote foe someone else? All of these questions (and many more) need to be answered FIRST, before you make any decision about replacing Joe. It may be that only Harris can replace Joe, so that needs to be said. Instead we are getting this fantasy that the Democrats could pick anyone (Mr. Unbeatable!) and everything will work out. It's madness. The pundits selling this have shown how unserious they are by failing to even minimally address these questions, now we can add some of the Democratic leadership. It's political malpractice.
