Sunday, July 14, 2024

Stacks Of Hot Takes

My favorite take is still Ron Johnson blaming “uppity” blacks: As the Lovely Wife pointed out, the people at the rally she saw interviewed were not foaming at the mouth whackos vowing there would be blood in the streets now. The most aggressive thing I saw was the mother and son who said they’d still vote for Trump. But no one called for retribution or anarchy or revenge. Ordinary people, IOW, with admittedly terrible political interests. But not seeking violence and revolution. Mostly they just wanted to go home. They were in a place where people had been shot and killed, and they wanted no further part of it.

The fears of imminent violence are an internet fever dream that guarantees clicks, but not much insight. The primary reaction to this is revulsion. Already lost in the responses this morning is the one person dead, the two persons critically injured. If you’re going to pray for anyone, pray for them and their families. Trump has been inciting political violence for 9 years; but those three didn’t deserve to be victims of it.
Translation: Trump will shit all over it. Murder mysteries always resolve with a full explanation of the murderer’s motives; orbs darker explanation that it was just the “forces of evil.” In reality we almost never know why, and without a manifesto or a social media presence, can’t even guess. Won’t stop us from trying, if course. Hunting outfits. I wore my future brother-in-law’s army jacket (more of an oversized shirt than coat) in the “70’s, while the war was still on. I was virulently antiwar, but if you didn’t know me, would you know that? Beware the hot takes of people who didn’t know the shooter, but remember him from school.

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