Sunday, July 14, 2024

Take Me Back To The Schoolyard

Less rudely, this is what Trump is doing with the attempt: My metaphor is still pertinent, but this is how we can expect MAGA to respond: “I know you are, but what am I?” MAGA will unify against Democrats, on the grounds above. Democrats will unify behind Biden. 

It’s the best we can expect in these days.
"We need to get to Washington, you know, to hell with the [Republican] convention," he said. "We've got to get, find out what went on, make sure that it never happens again."
I, for one, would welcome the House GOP holding immediate hearings (with minimal preparation) in D.C. while Republicans are in Milwaukee spending a week rubber stamping Trump’s nomination. The divided interest of the press would be priceless.

All in the name of unity, of course.

1 comment:

  1. As someone I read said, compare what President Biden said as opposed to what Trump and Republicans in Congress and elsewhere said about the assassination attempt on Nancy Pelosi in which her husband was almost killed.
