Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Appropriate Period Of Mourning And Solemnity

At least one person died. But less than 24 hours later, let’s go with the fist pump pic (it has, after all, the shelf life of a fine French baguette*). Besides, we know the name of the shooter, but not of the victim.**

High time to move on. Money doesn’t wait on ceremony, you know. Once more into the breach, my friends. Time and money wait for no man. Not even the dead and critically wounded.

*As a friend once told me, who had trained to be a baker, the baguette is unique among breads. It starts “staling” (the baker’s term for the process of bread going stale) the minute it leaves the oven.

**And rightly so, actually. Imagine the vulture press descending on the grieving family. They have enough of a burden.

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