Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Three Guesses

Is Trump talking to Clarke about the fake electors scheme (assuming arguendo the Court accepts Kreis’ argument), official because the POTUS is talking to a DOJ employee?  Or does the content of the conversation render it unofficial? Yeah. Three guesses, first two don’t count. “Presumptive immunity” not meant to be presumptive. Now let’s see if it can even be waived.

This can always get worse.

1 comment:

  1. With this court, they're fully capable of making electors part of the federal executive branch, they are the flower of the theory that words mean only what those using them at any given time mean them to mean. They are the embodiment of everything ignorant People who say "post-modernist" mean when they say "post-modernist." I think it's a product of the notion that there is such a thing as a right to lie because the Fisher 6 are the biggest of liars with self-granted impunity from even answering complaints about that.
