Tuesday, September 03, 2024


No one commenting on this is right about it. Probably not, but it's doubtful any other commentetator on this point has, either. No. Most Christians are no better. Trust me. Now that's good. Not "good" in the Christian sense; but good in the "proper application of facts to the statement" sense. Yeah, sorry, neither do you. IMHTO, of course. But I'm willing to bet your understanding is informed by second-hand sources telling you what the gospels and letters of the New Testament mean.  I would refer you all, for starters, to the work of Krister Stendahl.  Yes, "second-hand source," but a damned sight better than what you're used to.  You could learn a thing or two from that man.

Trump is an idiot.  But laughing at him about this doesn't elevate you one jot.  Laughing at him about anything doesn't elevate you one jot; but sometimes it just feels good.  Just know why you're laughing, and don't assume it's because you know better than he does.  It may be you don't.

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