Monday, September 09, 2024

"Some People Say"

Is Eric's SUV an 18-wheeler?

The oil market is in another tailspin. Producer group OPEC+ is scrambling to stop the bleeding. And gas prices are falling fast, with more to come.

All of this is music to the ears of drivers.

US gas prices fell to a fresh six-month low of $3.31 a gallon on Thursday, down 50 cents from this point last year, according to AAA.

Drivers in 10 US states - including Texas, Kentucky and Kansas - are paying less than $3 a gallon on average. Andy Lipow, president of consulting firm Lipow Oil Associates, expects that another nine states will join the sub-$3 list in the next two weeks.

Data from OPIS, which tracks gas prices at 130,000 stations nationwide, shows that nearly 41,000 of those stations, or nearly one out of every three, are already charging less than $3 a gallon for regular gas. A year ago at this time there were barely 100 stations nationwide that were below the $3 mark.

By around Thanksgiving, approximately 35 to 40 states could be below $3 a gallon, GasBuddy’s Patrick De Haan told CNN on Thursday.

Or has he found the last full-service gas station in America?  Because either he's paying twice the average price for a gallon of gas, (the "Trump Tax" because nobody likes his family), or he's filling up at about 45 gallons a stop.

Oh, he got worse:
And that's not even including the War on Christmas 2024! And while I have you here: Ah, the police union is coming to the defense of the police; including, I guess, the officer who has been suspended. More: Yeah, about that: I was told as a young driver (i.e., still a teenager) to be polite to the police officer and, if possible, step out of the car to show compliance. Not because I'd get a cop on my back or be "redirected to the ground," but because it might get me out of a ticket. And it did, more than once. Of course, I'm never Driving While Black.  I mean:

We would like to stress to the community to use this as an opportunity to remember that it is always best to obey lawful police commands first and complain later. 

I was polite because I might get out of the ticket; not because I might get handcuffed and "redirected to the ground" by someone jumping on my back, twice.  Had I behaved like Mr. Hill did, I might have gotten two citations, too.  But I wouldn't have been handcuffed and jumped on.  That's perfectly goddamned clear.
Pretty much the reason the officer was suspended. In the following, ignore Eric and read the scroll next to him. What Harris has said/done about police officers in the past sounds pretty damned sensible to me. Trump, by contrast, wanted the Central Park Seven summarily executed. And that was a long, long time before MAGA. No wonder the police unions and the FOP love him. Well, we wandered far afield from Eric's Ignorant Rant About Gas Prices, but maybe he doesn't want to think about the price of gas dropping further by November.  Me, I don't want to think about victims of DWB, or the police unions who protect them and support Trump because he wants to give 'em more of what they've already got. But in closing, our Better Late Than Never Dept. Anderson Cooper is apparently tired of eating shit and telling everyone it tastes like sugar. Cooper is reacting like a man who finally realized everything he's hearing from Trump apologists is just variations on "Some people say."

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