Saturday, September 14, 2024

Trolling For Voters

"You came with receipts about the number of groups, with the exception of one or two, that Donald Trump has insulted in his tenure of politics," host Velshi prompted his guest.

"Yeah, the only two I can think of are white supremacists, as well the evangelical groups," the former attorney replied. "Short of that, there's not a single group in America, whether it is veterans, firefighters, police officers, Blacks, Jews, Mexicans —I actually bought it, it is the first time being on any show I've actually brought notes with me, but women, Asian Americans, Latinos."

"I mean we can go on here: Muslims, disabled people, Native Americans, obviously the Haitian immigrants, African nations, handicapped journalists, Puerto Ricans — you name it," he elaborated. "The question I would sort of pose is: why are there any members of these communities that would possibly vote for him, or think that he is the right person for the job of the presidency of the United States of America again?"

Or anyone in California, for that matter:

Trump to California:  "I don't like your governor, so Fuck You!  And if I don't win California, it's because you cheated me!"

How does this campaigning for votes work again?

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