Friday, September 06, 2024

"When I Was A Child, I Spoke As A Child..."

I know I'm abusing Paul (somewhat) here, but using familiar phrases for other purposes is a time-honored use of literature, so...bite me.

My point is the childishness of Trump overlooked in the outrage at his blithering incompetence and inability to answer a question we expect Presidential candidates to answer.  Childishness exemplified by his statement that his planned tariffs would bring in "trillions of dollars."  He said it like a child says "$100", as if it were wealth beyond measure and beyond spending.

The current tax revenue of the United States of America is $4.4 trillion.  In anyone's language, that counts as "trillions of dollars."  Trump spoke of it as if funding childcare in all 50 states would be pocket change from the amount tariffs would raise.  Not only is he ignorant of 19th century mercantilism, and 21st century global economics, he's ignorant about how much money the U.S. government already spends.  If "trillions of dollars" were the only need, childcare would be free and available to all, across the several states.

But it isn't.  And Trump's solution is not only word vomit, it's ignorant right down to the dollar amount he imagines would be wealth beyond the dreams of Midas, beyond the capacity of the nation to spend.

"When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me."  Paul had his meaning; I have mine.  Trump has not put the ways of childhood behind him.  That should be obvious to the most casual observer.  The man isn't competent to run a two-car funeral procession, and shouldn't now be allowed anything sharper than a rubber ball.


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