Saturday, September 14, 2024

Word 🥗

"Visual cross-references"? What the hell are those when they're at home? And why didn't anybody report this to the police? Or JD Vance? Last summer?

Over two posts on his Truth Social platform, he wrote, "Up 6 points in the Rasmussen Poll. I WON THE DEBATE! A nice lead over the Marxist Candidate, Comrade Kamala Harris, who had a very hard time yesterday answering the simplest of questions in Pennsylvania, where she will end Fracking. It was A WORD SALAD, A REAL MESS!"

Moments later he pressed his case further by writing, "ABC FAKE NEWS has been completely discredited, and is now under investigation. Did they give Comrade Kamala the questions? It was 3 on 1, but they were mentally challenged people, against one person of extraordinary genius. It wasn’t even close, as is now reflected in the polls. I WON THE DEBATE!"

He's working really hard to convince himself.  But which story is the right one?

Maybe this explains it: Rasmussen, huh? Also, too, as well:
And never forget: But three people ganged up on him!  No fair!  Putin would never do that! Putin is his BFF!

And just throwing this in here because I keep hearing about "Kamala" and "word salad," and some people who should know better seem to think that's actually a semi-valid criticism.
Not if that's an example.

Mea culpa: I missed that Rufo referred to "African migrants."  People from Haiti are of African descent, by and large.  But they are from the Caribbean; not Africa. So, yeah...racist much?

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