Sunday, March 09, 2025

And That Sounds Like A Good Idea To You?

Go to Congress. You cannot overwrite or ignore federal law just because you don’t like it. A) And immediately hire them back? Because people actually rely on those government services?

B) You continue to give every lawyer suing over the actions of Musk and DOGE ammunition for their appointments clause arguments.

C) You really are your own worst enemy.
Trump and I are both old enough to remember when inflation was in double digits: for years. Apparently he’s nostalgic for those days…. But look! Over there! Crypto coming to save us! And Zelensky, to rob us!! There was some cash. It went to ammunition manufacturers, which is why Zelensky visited a munitions factory on a prior U.S. trip .

Oh, and Rachel Maddow got it right: crypto is Beanie Babies. It’s speculative, and the speculation is that these things will be valued by someone in the future. The Golden Child was a five year old when McDonalds started putting “Teenie Beanies” in Happy Meals. I had to go to one early on the day a new one would come out, because we learned all the housewives were there hours early just to buy out the new supply. They thought they were getting in on the next Apple or Microsoft. Or Bitcoin. All the same thing, except Apple and Microsoft were ongoing concerns, and Beanie Babies were a fad with a predictable endpoint.

As Maddow pointed out, those housewives were buying something they thought other people would pay for in the future.  Not even like tulips, which at least people still buy. I’m sure Beanie Babies are still around, but I think more people buy tulips.

But crypto? The main attraction to crypto is that I can sell it someday, and get rich. Sure; and Elmo’s gonna colonize Mars, too.

Fools and their money, man. 🤦‍♂️

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