Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Messaging Around

Messaging ain’t what it used to be:
In a Monday interview on CNN, Frank Luntz — a Republican messaging expert who regularly conducts focus groups with swing voters — noted that heated town hall appearances can sometimes be a harbinger of whether the opposition will make big gains in the next midterm election. He mentioned the 2010 Tea Party wave election and the 2018 "Blue Wave" during Trump's first term as examples. But he said that Democrats should keep in mind that voters' anger isn't with Trump's agenda per se, but rather his execution.

"I look at this simply as an indication, but I want to confirm one thing for you right now, the focus groups that we do every single week are loud, they're boisterous and they will applaud the president for his agenda and condemn him for the way that he carries it out," Luntz said. "And this is the kind of thing that someone should be telling Elon Musk right now."


Unless Luntz means the execution of Trump’s speech…

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