Monday, March 03, 2025

Going After Social Security

Going after seniors receiving social security will stir everyone up. Lots of adult children will be scrambling to try and figure out how to support their parents at the same time they know the system they’ve paid into their entire life is gone.
I’m old enough to remember when W was re-elected and announced he was going to use his “mandate” to privatize Social Security. W didn’t think he could do that by EO, he knew it would take legislative action. But he thought he was clever: he told the people on SS they’d be fine, that the change would come for the younger generations.

The problem was, the people on SS were grandparents, and they understood their children were paying their benefits, as they had done for their parents before them.  SS is not a Ponzi scheme. It’s an inter-generational compact and an inter-generational support system, and it’s incumbent on those of us old enough to rely on it, to see that it supports our children and grandchildren in turn, as they are supporting us.

That’s the part that Elmo and Trump truly don’t understand. Trump may be hoping he’ll be the one to privatize SS, but if the stock market turns as sour as some expect (thanks to Trump), changing the fundamentals of SS will be as popular as prickly heat. It certainly wouldn’t be any more popular than it was when W tried it.

He never even got any one to offer proposed legislation.

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