Friday, March 14, 2025

The Ends Of The Day

Somehow I didn’t find this one earlier. And right when we need her least, Kellyanne is back.
Pretty sure we were doing all of that before the first NASA rocket actually worked. Um....sure.... Paging Susan Glasser. Susan Glasser to the white courtesy clue phone, puh-lease.
It was deranged,” Conway said. “There was really nothing surprising about anything that he said…other than the venue." Conway later added: “He's been saying this, not just since January 20, he's been saying this for years.”

“You can go back and just go to Google and you can Google an article in October of 2024, just before the election, in NPR, and they looked it up and they said, ‘he's over 100 times, has threatened to prosecute his enemies.’ This is Donald Trump. We are at stage four megalomania. He is just doing what he has always told us he wants to do.”

But the difference, MSNBC’s Alicia Menendez pointed out, was that now Trump “actually has resources at his disposal.”

Conway added that Trump is still losing court battles “at such an incredible rate” that government attorneys “can’t keep up with it.” He then used the opportunity to tell viewers what he thinks the speech was really about.

“The man who has sworn to faithfully execute the laws and the Constitution of the United States has declared war on both, and declared war on everybody who is standing up for the laws in the Constitution of the United States,” Conway said. “That’s what's going on here.
No notes. You mean a conservative area of the country like North Dakota? I’m just guessing the North Dakota Monitor is not a radical Democratic rag.

The problem with a slow motion shutdown is that everyone has time to notice; and feel it. And get good and mad about it.

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