Thursday, March 06, 2025

🎶”We Don’t Need No Education”🎶

"We don’t need no thought control" Make Sweatshops Great Again! Elmo had to employ one to fake a robot. 🤖 Surely that’s a growth market!
Rest of conversation -

CNBC: Mr. Lutnick, CBP data shows that only 43 pounds of fentanyl were seized at the Canadian border last year. Why is this even a focus?

LUTNICK: I think autopsy deaths—as horrible as that is—should be the statistic.

CNBC: But the majority of fentanyl isn’t coming from Canada. It’s being smuggled in by American citizens through legal ports of entry. It’s not migrants. It’s not some invasion. It’s Americans bringing it in.

LUTNICK: Well look, crooks are crooks.

CNBC: So if crooks are crooks, why are you blaming Canada instead of dealing with the actual issue?

LUTNICK: The president is being strong on the border!

CNBC: Which border? Because over 21,000 pounds of fentanyl were seized at the southern border—500 times what was caught coming from Canada. And yet, Trump is threatening tariffs on Canada instead of investing in solutions that actually stop the problem.

LUTNICK: Tariffs will help!

CNBC: How? Fentanyl isn’t coming in through trade. It’s coming in through U.S. citizens, through legal crossings, through routes Trump refuses to address. If this is about stopping fentanyl, why push policies that don’t even target the real source?

LUTNICK: He’s taking action!

CNBC: No, he’s creating distractions. Canada isn’t the problem. But blaming Canada lets Trump avoid dealing with the real crisis because the truth doesn’t fit his narrative.
I see why Trump appointed Lutnick. He likes hiring people even dumber than he is. Even Bartiromo can do the math…

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