Monday, March 24, 2025

Every Time You Think It Can’t Get Any Worse

Depends. Can she prosecute from the FoxNews studios?

And for the "What if they held a Town Hall and nobody came?” Hall of Fame:
“So we tried to get in there and hand out Parlor Doughnuts, but they wouldn’t let us in the auditorium which is unfortunate because we had a lot of donuts for everybody. So apparently they don’t want to hear other voices or get donuts from Senator Banks.”
A staffer for Sen. Jim Banks (R-Indiana), after he refused to show at the town hall, but sent doughnuts. Who also said:
Woman: Are you really from Jim Banks’ office?

Staffer: I am. I am.

Woman: I would like him to listen to me. I have called him. I have written him. He never listens to a thing.

Staffer: Do you want a chocolate one?
Representative government is so 20th century!

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