Friday, March 21, 2025

Needed: New Heat Shield. Apply: Oval Office, White House

I think there’s a bit more to it than that:
"And I don’t know when it was signed because I didn’t sign it,” Trump told reporter. “Other people handled it. But Marco Rubio’s done a great job, and he wanted them out. And we go along with that. We want to get criminals out of our country.”
The signature must have been done with an autopen.

Yes, it is his signature, but that’s not the interesting bit:
He wasn't asked about the secretary of State, he brought him up on his own,” the CNN correspondent said. “I thought that was absolutely fascinating, the president we've seen a few times trying to pass the buck a little bit. So, yes, he stands behind the idea of it, but does not want to get sort of caught up in the legality of it.”
Or the responsibility of it. Despite the bravado, AEA is a dead duck. Being at war, or at least connecting the foreign nationals to a belligerent foreign government, are fundamental. You can’t wave them away or cry “national security,” or cry “Havoc!” and let slip the dogs of war. Trump is already crawfishing because Trump thought shipping “bad people” out of the country was a no-brainer/sure winner. And now it’s not working out that way, and Trump will NOT be responsible for failure, however small it is. 

First he denied saying something he’d said two days earlier. Now he’s denying signing an order he was bragging about exercising last week. And he’s handing off responsibility to Rubio as news comes that innocent people were sent to El Salvador. He said about that today that all the deportees had been “vetted,” and added that’s what he was told. So, you know, he only knows what people tell him, and if they mislead him, well… it’s not his fault.

He’s going to hammer on things that will never happen (Canada, the 51st through 60th states; Greenland, the new Puerto Rico) because that won’t turn on him. He also can’t really be responsible for it not happening, because it’s not his fault if Canada won’t see reason. He’ll be denying all knowledge as his biggest plans, the ones he can actually carry out, or try to carry out, are caught or killed by reality and the courts. Yelling about the courts will only shift the blame so far, and for so long. Some responsibility is going to slip under the defenses and get through to the person and he cannot have that.

Elon as heat shield is already burning through. Today he had to say he didn’t authorize Elmo being briefed on military plans for China, because…well, because someone finally convinced him that would be bad. Too many sources told too many outlets that it was authorized, so this falls into the slot of “I didn’t sign the order I signed,” except this time the order didn’t become public. But it must exist, else why did so many people (three, I’ve heard; very high level. Not a lot of people at that level. Three could be a lot.) tell so many reporters? Because it was real, and because it was bad. Even Trump finally understood how bad; and so he denied it, and then said he even refused it, ordered it could NOT happen. But wasn’t it “fake news” early this morning?

Trump needs heat shields. He needs more plausible deniability than he’s got.
...or third time, because that's the drama that I want to talk about on Friday. Rather than closing social security offices or inflation going up. I mean, why are we even talking about this trivial, silly, stupid stuff
If he can’t shift the narrative, at least he can shift the responsibility. As long as he can find somebody to take the heat. But isn’t that what other people are for?

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