Thursday, December 10, 2020

Six Weeks To Salvation!

The days of hell are going to last a lot longer in this nation than just 41 days. True, they are attributable to Trump, but they won't end on January 20, 2021, and most of the hell is directly attributable to Mitch McConnell's determination to protect corporate America from the just claims of Americans.  Tort law is as old and venerable a part of the justice system as the concept of justice itself, but Mitch McConnell thinks corporations are "people" with special rights who need to be as exempt from the justice system as possible, and in pursuit of that goal he's willing to see Americans made homeless and plunged even deeper into poverty (ironic since it is those Americans that buy what corporations sell).

On top of the economic crisis is the health crisis, ongoing and unabated and getting worse, and not likely to improve magically because President Biden requires masks be worn in federal buildings or Pfizer delivers the 100 million doses of vaccine it is contracted to deliver (which will only inoculate 50 million people, or about 1/7th of the population).

41 days of hell?  Hell is not Donald Trump's temper tantrums or his fundraising schemes or his narcissistic ego-trips and blunt denials of reality.  The GOP in Congress is denying reality as surely as Trump is, and I don't mean in refusing to call Biden the President-elect.  And that denial will persist long after January 20th of next year.  41 days, only?  I wish it were that short, and that determinate, and that easily brought to an end.  Trump, as usual, is sucking up all the oxygen because he can be filmed and photographed and recorded and quoted.  You can't quote an economic crisis, or show pictures of it, or display a graphic about infection rates that's anything but an abstraction, a concept, a number too large to grasp, a suffering to inchoate to get on film.  How do you show a picture of all the crowded hospital beds in all the states, of the woman in South Dakota who had to go to Wyoming for a hospital bed?  Trump gets the attention because he's easy to cover and he makes "good copy" and because we've been trained to think when the President belches we have to examine what it means.

Meanwhile the country is getting bleaker and sicker and recovery economic and medical is wanting.  Crime is increasing because people are in despair and Christmas the season of joy is always the season of despair, too.  41 days, and it's all Trump's fault, and we just have to hang on?  The majority of Americans have no idea what you are talking about.

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