Wednesday, November 17, 2021

IOW: He's A F*cking Moron

Because not only is it sensible to assume you can spark the fire that will bring revolution (if I had a nickel for every idiot who acted on that idea for that last 60 years, I'd be a rich man today), but when you argue with "200/300 people" who are against Trump, and you do it for 8 or 9 hours, without food or water, AND you "annihilate them" (does this all sound Trumpian just to me?), then clearly God is on your side. Or the delusions of stupidity are strong in you. He wanted tasers so they could get into the Capitol and help Officer Fanone and the other Capitol police officers. Clearly. It's the Kyle Rittenhouse defense: they were there to provide aid; but with tasers instead of assault rifles. And when the mob is gone, boy, does he feel like a fool! Death by taser? Tuesday he tried to get that all thrown out, because he said he was coerced by the FBI agents into spilling his guts. Well, ya gotta try. Reports are it didn't go well.

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