Sunday, November 07, 2021

The Commies Have Been Under The Bed For Half-A-Century!

I am waiting for the pundits to start explaining why “rural” voters support this empty shibboleth to a threat that completely ended during the George H. W. Bush presidency. That and the “Commie” scare in American politics ended with Goldwater’s Presidential campaign in ‘64. (True, the Viet Cong were Commies, but that wasn’t enough to save Johnson’s bacon. Come to think of it, neither were his domestic accomplishments, most of which we can’t imagine being without today. Like PBS and Big Bird. Huh.)

1 comment:

  1. It is best translated "we got nutin."

    And taking advantage of the fact that pretty much all of the "history" that Americans believe they know is gotten from movies and TV shows. Even many with PhDs fall into that category.
