Tuesday, February 22, 2022


"If you find someone willing to defend Vladimir Putin for threatening to invade and kill his neighbors, while simultaneously calling Justin Trudeau a ‘dictator’ for shutting down a lawless protest after three weeks, you have found someone who either is intellectually dishonest or has a warped sense of reality,” Lewis warns. “If you thought the gaslighting would end with Trump, you were wrong. The American right is getting in the habit of calling evil good and good evil. It’s a truly twisted and perverse perception of a dangerous world, and the scary thing is, it’s catching on.”
Or, you know, not.
Around 10 people showed up to the Capitol building Sunday afternoon for what was billed as the “Lansing Freedom Convoy.” The group has called on “all our good men” to park their cars in downtown Lansing and demand “honest elections,” “a voter-run audit and canvass” and for police to “arrest and charge all criminals in government, media and medicine.”
The sky is...falling? But...but...social media! GOP support!
That protest [on the Ambassador bridge] was backed by 30 GOP state lawmakers and several Republican gubernatorial candidates, including former Detroit Police Chief James Craig and chiropractor Garrett Soldano.
"Between the Idea/And the Reality/Falls the shadow.”

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