Wednesday, February 23, 2022

“Politics Ends At The Water’s Edge”

...was the oft-cited adage. Used often during the Vietnam war as a rebuttal to critics of that war. When they weren’t being accused of treason.

Yes, everything old is new again. Or not really old.

Not sure when that ended, but I’m quite sure it ended when the Republicans decided it didn’t apply to Democratic Presidents. It was before the 6 year limit established by Judge Luttig, so it cannot be considered a failure of leadership. Apparently.
I never wanted to be nostalgic for the Cold War. Still don’t want to be. Miss him yet? Yeah, not nostalgic for that, either. The easiest thing in law is to tell people who will listen what should be done, especially when you are at no risk of putting your money where your mouth is. Assessing legal liability on paper, and taking a case to trial, are two very different things. And it’s always damned easy to tell somebody else what they should do, when you don’t have to do it. Steve Bannon is living on another planet.

Meanwhile, back on the road again: Some discussion there about D.C. traffic, and then we bring it all home:
Or just start the arrests; they’ll fold like cheap suits.

This all calls for a palate cleanser:
In closing, we find that Putin may be more like Trump than we thought; and learn why Macron sat at the other end of that long table. So long, space cowboy.

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