Friday, February 18, 2022

Ted Cruz’s Mentor? 🍉 🍎 🍌

The problem of the GOP and failed leadership goes back much further than Donald Trump or the past six years.

Much, much further.

Chickens, coming home to roost. 🐓 


  1. It goes at least back to Nixon getting the nomination in 1960, proving that even the old Republican liberals were in on the corruption. By 1964 with Goldwater's harnessing of racism it was fully in control of it, giving Nixon (with the Warren Court's help) the presidency in 1968 and it's gotten steadily worse since then. I've only recently really appreciated the way that the old financial interests of the old WASP establishment sought to harness white supremacy to their financial benefit, believing, stupidly, that the white supremacists would not eventually gain the upper hand - there being so many more of them than the old money bunch that was inevitable - and produce Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, then Trump, which can be read to encompass all of it, the Bush family migration from Connecticut to Texas serving as sort of the opposite of Abram's migration in Genesis, to a quite different end.

    February turning into March here has got me shaken really badly. It's going to be a terrible year of consequences.

  2. Don't know where to attribute the quote that history doesn't repeat, but it rhymes.The H-word was originally backed by German wealth as a bulwark against the communists & unions The assumption was that they could control him because they financed him. I call this the Republican bet: my gated community/private island/ Mars colony will insulate me from the social consequences of my rapaciousness.That this has never worked out in the long term yet continues to be repeated because the perpetrators perceive the driver's seat to be theirs by natural law until an actual thug shows up with a mob.
