Thursday, February 17, 2022

Honestly, I Think We're All Getting Stupider

My freedom to spread a contagious, deadly disease is very important to me! It's in the Constitution! I have a right to contagion and to be contagious! My inclination is to say this guy deserves to lose his parental rights.

A 9 year old?  Months?  That's equivalent to years in the sense of time a 9 year old has.  And this guy could wind up in jail for his stupidity, so months more.  This man shouldn't be allowed to own a dog.
I'm not a fan of "blame the media" arguments, but: I blame the media. Depression sells; if it bleeds, it leads; good news doesn't sell newspapers.

That or we fall back on that old American standby:  "Congress sucks, but my Congresscritter is o-kay!"  Because:

US retail sales boomed in January as shops more than regained ground lost in an unexpected December slump, despite high inflation, according to government data released Wednesday.
See? The economy sux, but I'm busy shopping! That's not the salvation you're looking for:

“This explodes the national security risk by a factor of 10, because now he's going to be desperate for new loans. Legitimate banks are not going to touch him. So it expands the universe of shady characters who could offer him loans in return for favors that might include disclosing U.S. national security secrets,” said Joseph Cirincione, a fellow at a think-tank, the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.

“Whether it is the Saudis, Russians, narcoterrorists—anybody with access to hundreds of millions would be in the running for Donald Trump’s new loan officer,” Cirincione said. “That is why you don’t give security clearance to people who are financially compromised.”

Lots of people with money who are far less scrupulous than banks out there.  Don't sleep on the rumors Trump was involved in, or just the dupe of, Russian money-laundering. 

WARNING!  THE FOLLOWING IS SATIRE!  But in keeping with the title of this post, I thought it appropriate to end here.  Might as well punch up as punch down.

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