Monday, September 12, 2022

The Real Mystery Is...

Why isn't Trump a "sad, pathetic figure" yet? I don't think Giuliani became a "sad, pathetic figure." I think he just finally became who he obviously was behind the bluster and bravado and silly inventions like the "perp walk" and the utter idiocy of "broken windows" (which, like "Freakonomics" which championed it, soon went the way of all foolish ideas).  He was "America's Mayor" after 9/11.  Why?  Because he didn't piss himself in public?  He was crowned by the same crowd who declared Chris Christie the man to beat when Christie was still governor of New Jersey.  And Christie's never been anything but the governor of New Jersey. 

Trump was never any better, yet we continue to take him more seriously. Why?

Speaking of "sad, pathetic figures," remember we're supposed to take these people very, very seriously:
Brave, brave Sir Robin. This is when we recall the "Oath Keepers" amassed an armory in a D.C. hotel room, then quietly withdrew from the Capitol and stole away because Trump didn't so much as signal approval, much less sanction (and pardons) for their planned actions. Most of these chowderheads were making threats because they thought they'd be protected, not because they were mad as hell and they weren't gonna take it anymore. Quislings, one and all.

1 comment:

  1. By coincidence yesterday I happened to listen to an old radio drama from the CBC called "Broken Windows" complaining that they'd imported that racist idea from NYC into Canada. There's another one in that series that deals with the terrible policies and practices that flowed to Canada from DC after 9 11.
