Friday, November 25, 2022

Well, and…

...about the modern press and white privilege. 

Let’s imagine Obama dining with Louis Farrakhan, and the hue and cry the press would happily raise/report. Because, you know, black peoples crazy! And scary!

Nick Fuentes and white supremacists? I guess the most upsetting thing is that he’s an anti-Semite. I see more emphasis on that than on his animus for non-whites.

We just accept white supremacists more than we do blacks who advocate for blacks. I’m not a hidden Farrakhan fan, but black men angrier than Obama are still way scarier to white people than angry racist white men.
Still trying to understand the difference between someone who “acts” like a racist, and someone who is a racist. I mean, if actions and words don’t do it, what does? And is a racist actually a whole and fulfilled person at the core? I really wasn’t expecting this kind of affirmation of my thesis.

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