Monday, July 01, 2024

Nothing Fails Like Success

My admiration for LBJ’s legislative accomplishments is almost boundless, and I know he stepped down because of Vietnam. But I agree that, in doing so, he handed Nixon the White House.

I think this is right, too.
Well, we know where the majority of the free press comes down on that one, including their invention, the pundit class and it's in favor of their tax breaks continuing. Such people wouldn't notice moral turpitude because it's their code of conduct. They hate Biden because he's had a virtuoso presidency, even under the Sinema-Manchin Senate even when he had a nominally Democratic Congress and the Republican-fascists holding the house in the second half of it. No other Democrat of my lifetime, maybe including LBJ could have done better with the hand that Biden was handed, Obama didn't do as well with the one he was handed before 2011.
LBJ fell as much by perception (Vietnam hid his accomplishments for decades) as from perception (he convinced himself to quit because of the war). LBJ thought the public had turned against him (and, canny politician that he was, he may have been right). Only the pundits have turned against Biden, and three days after the “disaster,” they are already marking public opinion and steering to match those winds.

Biden should be measured by his accomplishments, not by his ability, it failure, to be impressive on one night. Most of the negative reactions are simply the conviction that the people are sheeple and some elite must guide them.

And despite the opinions of the “Founding Fathers” (who were uniformly afraid of rule by the demos. They based their government on Rome, not Athens.), how un-American is that?

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