Monday, July 01, 2024

Well, That’s Not Good

Kind of the outcome that was expected, but not in the way that was expected. Yeah, this is not good. Nor is this. Aye, there's the rub. And that’s why.

My two cents is that this makes the D.C. prosecution even more difficult (Trump was no longer POTUS for the documents case, so this shouldn’t apply. Emphasis on “shouldn’t”). Whether the vaunted and anticipated “mini-trial” will change anything is only one question. I expect this case won’t get to trial because of appeals under this ruling. Not this year, anyway.

Politically it may spark even more interest in defeating Trump. The reaction to the debate critique, especially the $33 million plus Biden raised in three days gives me hope voters see more than optics here (I also doubt that many people watched all 90 minutes; even more didn’t watch at all). Trump will crow he now has immunity. You think that won’t worry more than a few people who may pay no attention to this ruling or its details? The debate was supposed to be a plus for Trump (else why ask Biden to withdraw?). But a “success” for Trump seems to have rallied support to Biden.

An emboldened Trump is good for Biden; however bad this ruling is.

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