Wednesday, March 19, 2025

I Really Want To Be Around…. see Aaron revisit these sentiments when he’s bearing down on 70.  Hell, I remember when Nixon was re-elected. And Reagan. And Shrub. Get a few more years under your belt, Aaron.

Shaw was right; youth is wasted on the young.

1 comment:

  1. The judgement of The People is the only alternative to government by elites and governments by elites have a far, far lower chance of being better than one in which governing decisions are more widely sourced. I think it's one of the worst failures of American life that that judgement is mostly informed by commercial media whereas much of it in the past was at least under some influence from Scripture, maybe imperfectly received or understood but at least somewhat aware of The Gospel, the Prophets and the Law. Scripture being difficult to understand and itself an imperfect product of human thought and cultures, its influence wasn't all good but its a hell of a lot better than what Bill Clinton asked to help him form America's culture, Hollywood. Hollywood took over the news with the fall of newspapers and the hegemony of TV and cabloid "news," thus the like of Morning Joe and its relationship with the elevation of Trump along with the entertainment division.
