Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A Very Professional Campaign

You have both the guys, both interlopers at the Libertarian convention in Washington," Heilemann said. "People are paying attention, obviously, because the election will be so close. Trump down there trying to get non-traditional, non-MAGA voters, he is appealing to them. Kennedy was seen as angling for something different, which was to actually get – really needing the Libertarian nomination because he would immediately get ballot access in 38 states. The Libertarian Party is the third-biggest political party in the country, Kennedy is trying to get on the ballots. Both made complete asses of themselves over the weekend. You saw Trump say, 'Make me your nominee,' right? That was on Saturday night, on Sunday morning when they went into session to actually decide who was going to be the Libertarian nominee, the chair started the day by saying, 'Trump can't be put into nomination, they didn't file the appropriate paperwork.' Immediately, Trump was tossed off. The campaign had not done, having begged for the endorsement the night before, for the nomination the night before, it turned out Trump couldn't even be nominated if anybody wanted to nominate him."
Trump said later he couldn’t file the paperwork because the GOP rules won’t let him. But then why did he speak to them, and why did he ask for their nomination?

But remember, it’s a very professionally run campaign….

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