Friday, May 24, 2024

In Short…

Justice Merchan acted like a judge, rather than like Aileen Cannon. That’s all he did, and all he had to do. The vast majority of judges are sound jurists (the Supreme Court may be rotten, but the rot doesn’t creep down all that well. New Orleans is a long way from DC, and rots for its own reasons).That’s what Trump keeps running into. All his pages of print are not even a drop in the ocean, much less a command of the tides. Our criminal justice system doesn’t need protecting because Trump is no threat to it. Our criminal justice system just needs to go on doing what it is designed to do.

Which, to the surprise of some when catch white man is in the dock, is what it’s doing. Of course, when there isn’t a rich white man in the dock, does Jennifer Rubin even pay attention? Do any of us?

Trump doesn’t threaten the judicial system. It’s giving him power and authority to say he does, power and authority he doesn’t have and hasn’t earned. The judicial system, which is an arm of a democratic society, threatens Trump. As it should all scofflaws.

Even his crowd of yahoos on J6 didn’t threaten the criminal justice system. They’re all in jail or have served their time or are awaiting prosecution and judgment. Just the way it’s supposed to be.

Trump is only a threat to himself. Pointing and laughing are much more appropriate responses.

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