Thursday, May 30, 2024

Sometimes I Think The Narrative Is A Great Green God

Let’s start here (this’ll take a minute). The misinformation didn’t start with McKay or FixNews or Elmo buying Twitter, or even Newt Gingrich.

The roots lie in the Chicago School of Economics (not necessarily a real school, but how they were popularly identified) and the sacralization of Milton Friedman, who peddled the absolutely bullshit notion that government spending creates inflation. A notion Republicans have run with since Goldwater in order to impugn the Democrats and their Presidents.

Q: who was the only President to balance the federal budget in the 20th century?
A: Bill Clinton 

And did Democrats get credit for that? No. Because Republicans insist Democrats in the White House lead to deficit spending and runaway inflation, when the economic record of GOP Presidents starting in the 20th century is uniformly dismal for the economy; especially for the working class.

Republicans have pounded this drum for over half a century. Republicans are uniformly seen as better for the economy, even though the record shows the opposite is true.

I’d still rather have Biden’s focus on the working and middle class, than Trump promising billionaires and corporations a raid on the Treasury if they’ll just pay his legal bills.

So Biden doesn’t get credit for the economy? What else is new? Meanwhile:
“Compared to last month, confidence improved among consumers of all age groups. In terms of income, those making over $100K expressed the largest rise in confidence. On a six-month moving average basis, confidence continued to be highest among the youngest (under 35) and wealthiest (making over $100K) consumers.”
It ain’t all gloom and despair and what the latest rando said on Twitter.

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