Monday, May 20, 2024

One More Reason To Go On Living

Cross-examination continues tomorrow.

And circling back to this:
What kind of God-forsaken hellhole of a bubble do these journalists live in? Leopards don’t change their spots and people don’t change their character.  Costello didn’t turn into an arrogant idiot anymore than “America’s Mayor” turned into a slandering, bankrupt clown. The media created those narratives, and they came from journalists who kept them going for decades because they do live in an echo chamber.

Someone on MSNBC told me Costello is a Giuliani cohort and part of a group of NYC lawyers who watch each other’s backs and think they are Masters of the Universe.

Sound familiar? Explains why Giuliani and Costello both know Trump. And all three still insist their shit don’t stink.

I don’t think Costello really surprised anyone on Trump’s legal team. I also doubt Trump sees the problem.

The same person on MSNBC also tells me Merchan cleared the courtroom twice, if not three times. Jesus Christ almighty damn. They might as well beg the court for mercy now.

Costello certainly buried that “bombshell” that Cohen dropped a week ago on direct. I’m not sure Costello didn’t bury Trump, too. Seriously. Not without Trump on the stand did I ever expect a witness to fuck the party who called him, so badly. If Cohen dropped a bombshell (it was a dud), Costello left a crater. A nuclear bomb crater. ☢️ 

I still wouldn’t be surprised if they put Trump on the stand. It couldn’t hurt, at this point.
Pretty much what the guy on MSNBC said.

1 comment:

  1. I keep hearing what respected lawyers they all are, which does nothing to improve my general opinion of lawyers. Incredible arrogance and stupidity. Now we just have to wait to see if it works for Trump, I've also lost much of my faith in the courts, too, at this point.
