Sunday, May 26, 2024

“It’s Gotta Be De Shoes”

The fun part is how Trump completely loses his train of thought so quickly. "...this Hoax - from which Crooked Joe Biden was FULLY EXONERATED!"?

Okay, if you say so….
The leopard does not change his spots. What’s curious is that lawyers want to work for him. I know the polls say Trump is ahead of Biden and Trump’s supporters. But Trump desperately proclaims exaggerated crowds in order to support (at least) his claims of election fraud. Or just because they’re addicted to copium. Or just say: “You don’t know! You weren’t there!” But Politico and Axios and all the kewl kids assure me that the Trump campaign is much more professional this time than 4 or even 8 years ago. Stuff I simply did not know:

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