Friday, May 31, 2024

Or He’s Just Corruptly Pumping Himself Up

Well there’s a lot of developments yet to come but I do think, I do believe the Supreme Court should step in,” Speaker Johnson told Fox News (video below.) “Obviously, this is totally unprecedented. And it’s dangerous to our system. I mean, we’ve all discussed this before. And you all talk about it all the time. This is diminishing the American people’s faith in our system of justice itself. And to maintain a republic, you have to have that, people have to believe that justice is fair that there’s equal justice under law. They don’t see that right now. And I think that the justices on the court, I know many of them personally, I think they’re deeply concerned about that as we are so I think they’ll set this straight but it’s going to take a while.”
And the best way to prove justice is fair is for the Supreme Court to rescue a rich white man and former President from the clutches of state law by inventing some reason why this case violates overriding federal law (that overrides state law, that is), or some odd interpretation of the Constitution finding that the Founders never meant to make former Presidents subject to state law. Like how paying off a porn star and falsifying business records to do so is within the official acts of the Presidency, a/k/a the “King’s’X’” defense.

Or it could be (and is more likely true), Speaker Johnson is just full of shit, and hasn’t been in touch with anyone. He just wants to prove he can sit with the kewl kids at lunch.

The Supremes can’t even consider touching this case until the NY Court of Appeals issues a final ruling, and even then the case will have to involve constitutional law or a significant federal issue. By then (years from now), Trump will be broke and a pariah and no one will give a shit about him. He probably won’t be able to afford the appeal, especially because he’ll probably be serving time in a federal prison.

And nobody will remember him, except his children, who will have watched him piss away their inheritance.

Let me just add: NBC News is on in the other room, once again doing their duty to edit Trump’s rambling nonsense spewed this morning, in the finest tradition of “The Apprentice,” to make the broken old man sound cogent and rational. I truly believe they hold thi truth to be self-evident: the former Emperor must never be portrayed as naked. The Narrative must be served above all things. It would upset the children to know how far gone Grandpa is. And besides: is the naked truth about Trump also objective? The Narrative doesn’t think so. 🧐 
Well, said the MSM, who are paid NOT to notice such things, and to actively exclude them from the public record.


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