Monday, May 20, 2024

Protesting WAY Too Much

"my Speech in Dallas this weekend at the NRA’s 'Endorsement of President Donald J. Trump,' was attended by a Record Crowd of very enthusiastic Patriots. The Biden Campaign, however, put out a Fake Story that I 'froze' for 30 seconds, going into the “Musical Interlude” section, when in actuality, the 30 to 60 second period of silence is standard in every one of my Speeches where we use the Music. Check out any of my Speeches!" 
"The reason they came up with this Disinformation is that Biden freezes all the time, can’t put two sentences together, and can rarely find his way off the stage without help," before insisting, "Donald Trump doesn’t freeze!”
"It is a MADE UP Biden Campaign story, put out in a dying Newspaper that I never heard of, and every Reporter knows it, including the large group that was there…."
So, the explanations are:

A) It didn’t happen.

B) It was for “dramatic effect,” (The only affect was: “Is he finished? Is he asleep?”)

C) The teleprompter broke. (He paused an earlier speech the same weekend to complain about that.)

D) Trump spaced. (Hardly a scientific term, I know. But that’s the lay version.)

Maybe he needs some of the drugs he says Biden is taking. Or maybe the drugs wore off because he was two hours late to start this speech.

There are more plausible explanations than what he’s coming up with.

(And actually the Biden campaign didn’t put it out. The Biden campaign just called it a “glitch.” Others said it was the teleprompter, or a psychological breakdown. Either way, it’s on video on the Internet. I guess the story made its way into the MSM. No wonder he doth protest too much.)

This, too, didn’t happen:

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