Thursday, May 30, 2024

Great Minds… πŸƒ

Very curious about this. I think it really depends on how the appellate courts can be expected to view it. McConnell well knows he will be long retired in Kentucky (or, more likely, some exclusive resort in Wyoming) before there’s any possibility of that happening. Aside from the fact that outcome is about as likely as the hung jury Trump spectacularly didn’t get. Nobody cares. Or thinks you know your ass from a hole in the ground.πŸ•³️  And dance. πŸ•Ί In the streets. All night long. πŸͺ© And...? Has Trump ever recognized “we”? In his life? Something about Trump’s mental decline is clearly contagious.😷  Outside of movies, people who “play dumb”…aren’t playing. And with a functioning political party, the system would have kept this from happening (the main difference between Nixon then and Trump now). Be fair.  Did you expect him to go on TeeVee and admit to malpractice? The better question is: what the fuck is he doing on TeeVee, with the sentencing hearing in just six weeks? I’m beginning to think this wasn’t all because Trump was running his own case. I knew lawyers like that in civil practice. They were assholes. I had a friend who had worked for a criminal lawyer. She said she always knew when he’d lost. He’d come back from court and, when asked how it went, declared “Justice prevailed!” I worked for a lawyer who won a major product liability case which left the plaintiff a quadriplegic. I congratulated him on the win, but he said the plaintiff had rejected a settlement offer and now was left with nothing. He didn’t want to be congratulated for that. I worked for lawyers who were decent human beings, as well as good lawyers. Trump lived in Manhattan. The crime was committed in Manhattan. The charges were, therefore, brought in Manhattan. Were they expecting the trial to be held in Cannon’s court? (Doesn’t really matter. The trial had to be where it was, and the verdict will stand long after Trump runs out of money and lawyers.)
Did anybody else have “Xmas in May” on their bingo cards? 

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