Monday, May 27, 2024


Somebody feels a conclusion coming.
I want to show something he posted on Truth Social," the host says. "I wonder if this gives a hint about jury instructions and what they might be. I know we haven't gotten an announcement from Judge Merchan, but I wonder if he has said something to the prosecution or defense, and I'm asking because Donald Trump said this, 'The reason the highly conflicted Judge Merchan had to come up with three fake options for the jury to choose from without requiring them to be unanimous, which is completely un-American and unconstitutional, is the corrupt Soros' ... so he's talking about three options for the jury to choose from without requiring them to be unanimous. Is he talking about federal election crime, state election crime, tax crime as the underlying felony charge, and do you have a sense that they know what the jury instructions are going to be?" 
Christian replied, "I would hope that the defense and the prosecution know what the jury instructions are going to be since they're giving their summations tomorrow. I understand why the press and why we would all want it, [but also] why the judge didn't release it. He wants to make sure the first time the jury hears about this, and the jury is abiding by judge's rules, and not watching this right now, is the first time they hear about this is tomorrow, so that post by Donald Trump is sort of a hint, if you can believe Donald Trump, that maybe the instruction to the jury will be that the unlawful means, conspire to promote an election by unlawful means, could be the federal election law violation, could be tax crimes, state tax crime violation, so I have a feeling that that's probably what Donald Trump is talking about because his lawyers have a copy of the jury instructions the judge will give tomorrow." 
She added that it's "definitely it's a gift" to prosecutors.
Trump is, of course, free to raise all his complaints before the Appellate Division (he ran the case, he might as well control the appeal). But now is too late, for the trial.

Does anyone else get the irrefutable impression Trump is a whiny, superannuated child?
Imagine what that would be like. Or who so desperately needed to understand those basic principles. Or has he?

1 comment:

  1. I'll enjoy Trump's panic now without anticipating him being convicted and, finally, imprisoned. That amount of enjoyment makes me nervous enough, for now. I hope the judge does sentence him to confinement if he is convicted of the felony but I'm guessing he won't.
