Saturday, May 14, 2022


The funniest part about this is how it brings out the arm-chair warriors stoked on fantasy movies about man v. animal, or gladiators in the Coliseum v. lions tigers and bears, oh my!

Yeah, they're all sure they could take an animal, as large as a gorilla in some cases.  Most think a wolf would be easy pickings.  I doubt seriously they have any idea how powerful a gorilla can be, and couldn't take down a large dog unless he was old and toothless and tired.
That's more realistic. Me, I figure I could take on a squirrel; or maybe a possum. I'll go up as big as a racoon.

Anything beyond that, I'd just turn and run.  Probably wouldn't take those on, tbh. I know my limits.

My emojis remind me of James Bond fighting off a giant squid trapped by Dr. No for the purpose of eating prisoners the Dr. doesn't like.  I'm not making this up.  You thought the movies were crazy.  The books are even worse. 🦑 (for the record, he had neither sword, shield, nor spear, but still managed.  Because, of course he did. And of course giant squids live only to eat people.)

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who has watched that many movies and doesn't know they're not real has no business being considered competent enough to handle their own money. I think that includes most of the big name billionaires around and even more millionaires.
