I generally associate "blood of Jesus" language with Roman Catholic traditions (bleeding statues, stigmata which usually pour blood), etc. I may need to do a study on how that finds its way into fundamentalist traditions (if Boebert is not a "true fundy," she's near enough for dammit for this post.). I know where it comes from, "Blood of the lamb" and all that, reaching back to the Passover in Egypt and connecting with John's "Behold the lamb of God" opening his gospel. But there's something so weirdly idolatrous about it, by which I mean from a Protestant "we don't do that, Catholics do" perspective. You know, like transubstantiation v. plain old grape juice. 🍇 I don’t have a problem with it, but the Protestant tradition certainly does.Lauren Boebert at the ‘Rally for Life’ this week in front of Sup Ct: “Thank you, father God, that these Justices have wisdom and revelation and knowledge of you .. God bless our Justices, and I plead the blood of Jesus over this town and over this nation.” pic.twitter.com/LwnXeXYgT3
— Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 (@RonFilipkowski) May 22, 2022
Moving right along....At the ‘Jesus, Guns and Babies’ rally today where Mike Lindell is appearing in support of GA Gov candidate Kandiss Taylor, right when the speaker refers to democrats as “demonic” a TV monitor falls over on the stage and almost hits him. pic.twitter.com/jOsGG1Fx6a
— Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 (@RonFilipkowski) May 22, 2022
"The worst are full of passionate intensity." Yeats was describing Ireland and Europe after WWI. The sad truth is his description always fits the "present," whenever the present happens to be.Speaker at rally for GA Gov candidate Kandiss Taylor: “We are in a spiritual war .. it’s God versus Satan. If GA goes down, if we let them steal the election from us .. we’re gonna steal it back if we have to.” pic.twitter.com/sSAVwwNZw9
— Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 (@RonFilipkowski) May 22, 2022
Ummmm....I think maybe they'd rather be fed outside, if you don't mind.GOP State Rep candidate Robert Watson: “We’re good people .. If we see somebody that we know is hungry, we’ll break their neck dragging them into our house to feed them. That’s the type of people we are.” pic.twitter.com/P4K4mENDfa
— Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 (@RonFilipkowski) May 22, 2022
Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, George Washington, and quite a few others, would like to put in a word.Former US Senate (DE) GOP nominee Lauren Witzke today: “America is a Christian nation, founded by Christian men, and we intend to keep it that way.” pic.twitter.com/2go39Mgiam
— Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 (@RonFilipkowski) May 22, 2022
That's going to come as quite a suprise to the state of Georgia. Not that the Southern Baptists don't have undue influence.....GA GOP Gov candidate Kandiss Taylor today: “We’re gonna do a political rally and we’re gonna honor Jesus .. They’re not gonna tell us ‘separation of church and state.’ We are the church! We run this state! .. The church runs the state of Georgia!” pic.twitter.com/CP19s4KKSL
— Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 (@RonFilipkowski) May 22, 2022
So in 2020 God said “Well, it’s not Hillary, so I’m out”? Or God just didn’t have God’s way? These theological discussions always confuse me.Kellyanne Conway: Trump defeated Hillary Clinton because 'God had his way' https://t.co/EPDHeTTtJP
— Raw Story (@RawStory) May 22, 2022
The GOP is the home of blasphemy, that's certain. This is what happens when the media presents "christo-fascism" as the only real religion for almost a half a century and the left figures secularism is required in all of public life. There's a vacuum that was created by that idiotic 1960s ideological idea following the "non-establishment" cases. The worst of the worst filled it.